Work Experience

                   Lead VFX Artist
Authored gameplay and UI FX for IOS/Android. Wrote specs for particle system shading pipeline.

2016-2017  NCSOFT
                   Senior VFX Artist
                   Authored gameplay and UI FX for IOS/Android.

-2016 -       GLU MOBILE
                   Lead VFX Artist
                   Authored gameplay and UI FX for IOS/Android. Unreleased title.

2015-2016  Marvel Heroes, GAZILLION
                   Senior VFX Artist contract. Authored gameplay fx.

2013-2014  Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare, RAVEN SOFTWARE/ACTIVISION
                   Senior VFX Artist
                   Authored environmental and gameplay fx. Created key fx for drones and weapon systems.Authored water shaders using flow maps.                                      Worked on single-player and multi-player game modes including co-op Zombies.

2012-2013  Call Of Duty Ghosts, RAVEN SOFTWARE/ACTIVISION
                   Senior VFX Artist
                   Authored environmental and gameplay fx. Contributed to key tech pillars regarding fx tools and pipelines. Authored textures. Extensively worked                    on single player and multiplayer fx for weapon systems and fx for key in game cinematics.

2011-2012  Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III,RAVEN SOFTWARE/ACTIVISION
                   Senior VFX Artist
                   Authored environmental and gameplay fx for single-player and multi-player.

2010-2011   Dead Space II, VISCERAL GAMES/EA
                    Senior VFX Artist Authored environmental fx, weapon fx and fx for in game cinematics.

2009-2010  Iron Man II, SEGA.
                    Senior VFX Artist / Principal Lighting Artist.
                    Lit all game levels using deferred lighting. Created textures and authored fx.

2008-2009 MLB 2K9, 2k Sports
                   Lighting artist, R/D Pre-vis lighting.

2008          Indiana Jones Staff of Kings, LUCAS ARTS (unreleased)
                   Senior VFX Artist Visual effects pre-production.

2007-2008 Star Wars - Force Unleashed, LUCAS ARTS
                    Senior VFX Artist
                    Responsible for designing and executing real-time visual effects for gameplay environments and characters.
                    Authored shaders using proprietary software.

2006-200 The Simpsons, EA
                   VFX Artist
                   Responsible for designing and executing non-photo real visual effects using proprietary software.

2005-2006 The Godfather, EA.
                     VFX Artist
                     Responsible for designing and executing real-time visual effects using proprietary software.
                     Designed and executed 65 visual effect shots for pre-rendered cinematics.
                     Compositing and lighting. Real time dynamic lighting for characters in game cinematics.
                     Asset modeling and texturing for pre-rendered cinematics and marketing stills.

2005           Tiger Woods 2007, EA
                    VFX Artist Created environmental vfx.

2004-2005 Tiger Woods 2005, EA
                      VFX Artist / Modeler / Texture Artist
                      Responsible for environmental visual effects using particle systems. Modeled assets and textured key environmental elements.

2003            Rick and Rocky, 24 fps HD Animated short for Cannes Film Festival
                     VFX Artist / Texture Artist
                     Developed dynamic effects to be composited over stop motion animated plates.
                     Re-painted photo real textures changing the look of the film from to non-realistic.


                    1992-1998    B.F.A Applied Art, Sir JJ School of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. M.F.A Visual Effects,
                    2000-2004   Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia.

                    13th Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Real-Time Visuals ,Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
                    12th Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Real-TimeVisuals ,Call of Duty Ghosts
                    SIGGRAPH 2004, S.P.A.C.E Animation Festival, Best Visual Effects, short film, Divya

Skills 3D
                  Proficient in Maya, 3D Studio Max. Familiar with XSI, Houdini, Zbrush, Mari, Modo
                  2D : Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Apophysis
                  OS : Windows, Mac OS
                  Game Engines: Unreal, Unity.